Dec 3-5, 2025  •  Morial Convention Center  •  New Orleans, LA



William Kohnen is president and Chief Executive Officer of HYDROSPACE Group Inc., a California company expert in manned submersibles, mission critical control systems and pressure vessels for human occupancy. Mr. Kohnen has 30 years of engineering experience in engineering serving the space, medical and subsea industries with a primary mission to provide complete solutions to all types of high reliability applications. He is executive director of the World Submarine Organization and chairman of the Marine Technology Society (MTS) committee on Submarine Vehicles for the past 21 years. He has published many papers and articles on the state of the submarine industry. Mr. Kohnen is a member of the ASME PVHO Safety Standards Committee, a member of the ABS Special Committee on Rules for Underwater Vehicles, Industry representative for DNVGL Underwater Technology Rules review, member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS), and the Aerospace Medical Society. Mr. Kohnen is Co-Founder of SEAmagine Hydrospace Corp which designs and produces manned submersibles since 1995, with multiple vehicles distributed around the globe. Kohnen was born in Germany. He has a bachelor and master’s Degree in electrical engineering at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. 


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