In a world of splintered opinion on how to meet the growing power demands of marine vessels of all sizes; comes a simple clean answer today and even more hope for a clean future.
The Marine Industry is pulled between the increasing of costs of operations and a sincere desire for a clean environment. These opposing forces are finally finding a home with one of the most cost effective and clean power solutions available in our world today.
Beating back the damaging health effects of carcinogen pollutants, which is the highest goals of most of the world’s marine regulatory bodies, a growing US Marine Power solution is changing the way operators are approaching these regulations. Embracement instead of avoidance!
Answering the ultimate what if it was possible? Could a marine power solution ever be able to actually reduce pollutants beyond regulations and at the same time lower the vessel’s life cycle costs?
Finally, this clean power solution that is already leading the fight to lower exhaust pollutants; not only lowers operating costs, but also is positioning this same solution with a fuel agnostic base engine to run on nearly all the low/no carbon fuels in the future. A clean engine investment today means an cleaner tomorrow.